Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Psych Profile

Today, the girls and I met up with our friend, Katie (otherwise known as Joshua's and my little sis), so that she could interview me, and then interview Jovey for a paper for one of her grad classes in counseling. Here are a few of the many humorous things I overheard Jovey say in her time with Katie:

Katie: Who is your favorite friend to play with?
Jovey: Mommy and Daddy
Katie: Oh yeah? But if Mommy and Daddy can't play, who do you like to play with?"
Jovey: I told you, Mommy and Daddy.
Katie: Oh, anyone else?
Jovey: Oh yeah, Nana and Grandad!

Katie: What is your favorite book?
Jovey: Olivia!
Katie: How come?
Jovey: Because I LOVE how it sounds! OH-LIV-I-AAAAAHHHH! (she giggled a lot afterward)

There were many more moments, but I only caught them here and there while chasing after a jabbering and super fast Laney Belle around the school! I hope she always considers mommy and daddy some of her best friends, even if we aren't cool for a time during the teen years!

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