Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Made New Again

It's Spring! The sun is shining brighter, the temperatures are a lot more conducive to a light jacket as compared to an Eskimo coat and gloves, and though I can look at the pic below and have wonderful memories of snow, hot chocolate and cuddling up with my best friend by the fire after the girls were tucked in for the night, I was more than ready to say a loud, "Adios!" to Winter!

As I look toward the things that spring brings, I can't help but also remember the season of hope, the season of love and the season of renewal that comes with the celebration of the Gospel; the death, the resurrection and the realization of who Jesus Christ was, is and always will be in the hearts of those that believe! I have been studying the book of Romans lately, and it's such a reminder of who I am and continue to become, all because of the Gospel! Nothing more, nothing less! I boldy get to proclaim that I am nothing good apart from Christ (Psalm 16:2) and that unashamedly, I claim a love that is like no other, for everyone, and for every time! As I look forward to the joy that comes with the new season, I pray that I will also be able to find joy in the new season of life that God has called me to, to be still before God, to be hungry for the things of God, and to be willing to discern the difference between what I think will make me happy and what God truly knows will bring Him glory!

"I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God for the salvation of EVERYONE who believes in Him!" Romans 1:16

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